India's (Re)Emergence Global Role, Regional Challenges and Implications for the EU

invitation only · Hotel Glo Kluuvikatu 4, 2nd floor, Helsinki · 15.11.2017 10:30 - 12:00

invitation only

India is increasingly welcomed as a responsible regional power whose economic rise, democratic resilience, cultural footprint and even military depth are seen as positive factors in a very unstable part of the world. However, India also faces a multiplicity of geopolitical challenges, both globally and regionally. Western leadership on many vital global issues is seemingly dwindling, new groupings and alliances are emerging, and an increasingly assertive and economically powerful China is positioning itself rapidly on the world stage. In South Asia, the intractable dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir and the recent border dispute with China illustrate India’s exposure to security-related issues. This seminar will explore India’s most salient regional and global challenges, and discuss implications for the EU as well as Finland.

For further information, please contact: Marie-Louise Hindsberg, tel. +358 9 432 7712,



Subhash Agrawal

Editor, India Focus



Ari Tasanen

Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland


Olli Ruohomäki

Non-Resident Senior Fellow

Afghanistan, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Horn of Africa, terrorism, armed non-state actors, fragile states, peace processes and reconstruction, development policy and foresight