Refounding the European Union: Next Steps Ahead

invitation only · In the Auditorium of the Annex Building of the Parliament · 15.06.2018 11:30 - 12:45

invitation only

The French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed several major reforms to consolidate the EU and better prepare it for the future. Yet the window of opportunity to agree EU reforms concerning the EMU,
migration and security might not be open for very long. The next European Parliament elections are only one year away, and the focus of the EU and its member states have shifted to next multi-annual financial
framework and foreign affairs, including trade. Is the EMU stormproof? What are the possibilities to lower the political dividing lines over migration? What should be the next steps in the field of EU’s defense
efforts? On the other hand, what would be the cost of the status quo?

This seminar is part of the series of events aiming to advace discussion on the future of the EU with citizens and key stake holders (#munEU).


Keynote presentation: “What kind of Europe for tomorrow? What does France propose and how to move forward together?”

Nathalie Loiseau

Minister for European Affairs of France


Kare Halonen

Chair of the Board, Finnish Institute of International Affairs; and State Secretary for EU Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office
