
Arkady Moshes is Programme Director for the  Russia, EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood and Eurasia research programme. He is also a member of the Programme on New Approaches to Research and Security in Eurasia (PONARS Eurasia) at George Washington University. Moshes’ areas of expertise include Russian foreign policy, European-Russian relations as well as internal and foreign policy of Ukraine and Belarus. He received his Ph.D in history of international relations from the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992).

Before moving to Finland in 2002, he had been working in the Institute of Europe in Moscow since 1988. From 2008 to 2015 he was an Associate Fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Program at Chatham House. From 2017 to 2022 he was a member of EU-Russia Expert Network (EUREN). He has been a visiting scholar at the Danish Institute for International Studies (2002) and the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University (2016), a Public Policy Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2007) and a regular guest lecturer at the NATO Defence College (2005-10, 2013-15) and Geneva Center for Security Policy (1998-2022).

Arkady Moshes has authored a large number of academic and analytical publications and is a frequent media commentator.

He co-edited “A Slavic Triangle? Present and Future Relations Between Russia, Ukraine and Belarus” (Swedish National Defence College, 2002), “Russia as a Network State: What Works in Russia When State Institutions Do Not” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), “What has remained of the USSR: Exploring the erosion of the post-Soviet space” (FIIA, 2019) and “Russian Policy toward Belarus after 2020 At a Turning Point?” (Lexington Books, 2023) and contributed articles to, among others, Security Dialogue, International Affairs, Post-Soviet Affairs and Demokratizatsiya.


Russia-EU relations, Internal and foreign policy of Ukraine and Belarus


PhD, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1992

Language skills

Russian, English (working languages), Ukrainian, Spanish, Italian


Invigorating enlargement and neighbourhood policy for a resilient Europe

Latest FIIA Publications


Russia-EU relations, Internal and foreign policy of Ukraine and Belarus

Positions of responsibility

Member of the Programme on New Approaches to Research and Security in Eurasia (PONARS Eurasia), currently at George Washington University, Washington DC

Member of the Editorial Board of Russian Politics and Law, M.E.Sharp, 2009 –

Academic Director of the Programme “Russia’s European Choice: With or Into the EU?”, FIIA, part of the “Russia in Flux” Programme, Academy of Finland (2004-2007)

Work experience

1992 – Researcher at the Institute of Europe (Section of Military-Political Studies, European Policy Department)
1996 – Head, Section for European Security and Arms Control
Fall-winter 1998 – Visiting Researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs
1999 – Head, Section for Security of the CEE and the Baltic Sea Region
2002, summer – Visiting Scholar at the Danish Institute of International Affairs
2002 – Programme Director, FIIA
2007, summer – Public Policy Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington

2008 – 2015 Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House

2016 (March – April) Visiting Scholar, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Elliott School of International Relations, George Washington University, Washington D.C.
1998- Regular and occasional guest lecturer, Senior Courses, NATO Defence College (Rome), Royal Danish Defence College, International Training Course in Security Policy (ITC), Geneva Center for Security Policy, External Policy Training Seminar, DG RELEX (Brussels), Baltic Defence College (Tartu), Finnish and Swedish National Defence Colleges, Jena University, University of Helsinki, Turku University; University of Washington (Seattle), Davis Center for Russian Studies, Harvard University, Carlton University (Ottawa), University of York (Toronto), University of British Columbia (Vancouver), Danish Institute for International Studies, German Foreign Policy Society, German Association for East European Studies et al.


PhD, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1992

Language skills

Russian, English (working languages), Ukrainian, Spanish, Italian

Select category

Salminen, Minna-Mari; Moshes, Arkady (2009). Turvallisuuden tae vai este kumppanuudelle EU:n ja Venäjän viisumipolitiikka. FIIA Briefing Paper. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs.

Practise what you preach The prospects for visa freedom in Russia-EU relations.

Haukkala, Hiski; Moshes, Arkady (2007). Staying the course - The Options of the West in the Face of Belarus. FIIA Briefing Paper. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs.

Moshes, Arkady (2006). Making a Difference - Why and how Europe should increase its engagement in Ukraine. FIIA Briefing Paper. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs.

Beyond “Big Bang” The Challenges of the EU’s Neighbourhood Policy in the East.

Rethinking the Respective Strategies of Russia and the European Union.

Ukraine in tomorrows's Europe.

Select category

Moshes, Arkady & Niszhnikau, Ryhor ed(s) (2023). Russian Policy toward Belarus after 2020 At a Turning Point? Lexington books.

Moshes, Arkady & Nizhnikau, Ryhor (2023). Falling into a Trap of the Own Making: Lukashenka’s Foreign Policy since 2020. In Moshes, Arkady; Nizhnikau, Ryhor ed(s): Russian Policy toward Belarus after 2020: At a Turning Point? Lexington books.

Silvan, Kristiina & Moshes, Arkady (2022). Ystävä muiden joukossa. Ulkopolitiikka, 59 (2):58-62.

Moshes, Arkady (2017). Russian-Western relations: is de-confliction possible? Maanpuolustus (119):24-29.

Moshes, Arkady (2016). Will Europe Blink First on Ukraine? PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo (422):5.

Moshes, Arkady (2015). The troubled partnership: the EU and Russia. In Marcus, Dara; Sangsari, Marcel ed(s): Strategic partnership as an instrument of EU foreign policy - workshop report November 2015. 17-19.

Moshes, Arkady (2015). Euraasian talousliitto: ei aivan menestystarinan luokkaa. Kauppapolitiikka (1):21.

Moshes, Arkady & Przelomiec, Maria (2015). Czy Euroazjatycki Zwiazek Gospodarczy moze stac sie odpowiednikiem Unii Europejskiej? Maria Przelomiec pyta o Wschod blog, 21.1.

Moshes, Arkady (2014). Selkä seinää vasten. Ulkopolitiikka, 3:36-38.

Moshes, Arkady (2014). Comment: The EU won't fight for Ukraine. Moscow Times, 25.8.

Moshes, Arkady (2014). More stick, Less Carrot. Russia’s policy towards Ukraine following recent events. Russian Analytical Digest, 7.4.

A marriage of unequals: Russian-Ukrainian relations under president Yanukovich.

Europe's disillusionment with Russia.

Russian-Belarusian Relations after Vilnius: Old Wine in New Bottles?

Ukrainian authorities have lost their trump card in negotiations with Moscow.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Как Европа разочаровалась в России., 31.12.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Европа: расставание с российской иллюзией. Echo, 31.12.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Should one expect NATO tanks near Kharkov? Ezhednevnyi Zhurnal, 31.12.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). From our table – to yours, or a gift to a ‘friend’? Ezhednevnyi Zhurnal, 31.12.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Will Ukraine Join (and Save) the Eurasian Customs Union? PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Капкан на Януковича : Аркадий Мошес о том, что России выгоднее по-дружески одолжить Януковичу денег, чем заманивать его в Таможенный союз., 20.12.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Обратный отсчет для Януковича. Ezhednevnyi zhurnal, 2.12.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Вступит ли Украина в Евразийский Таможенный Союз (и спасет его)? Echo, 25.8.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Последний довод. Ezhednievnyi, 22.8.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). The Eurasian Customs Union and the Future of Russian-Ukrainian Relations. In ed(s):

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Аркадий Мошес: Москва увеличит субсидии Лукашенко. Belorusskii Partizan, 26.6.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Неизбежная щедрость., 26.6.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). EU ei tyrkytä Venäjälle maailmankuvaansa. Helsingin Sanomat, 8.6.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Ходьба на месте., 4.6.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Munich, Meseberg,Merkel. Ezhednievnyi Zhurnal, 8.4.

Для чего Баррозу приезжал в Москву.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Fleeing Ukraine., 6.3.

Moshes, Arkady (2013). Putinin Venäjä ei enää kaipaa itselleen ystäviä. Helsingin Sanomat, 1.3.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Russia’s European policy under Medvedev: how sustainable is a new compromise? International Affairs, 88.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Ozhidat’ li smeny prioritetov: politika Evropeiskogo Soiuza na vostoke Evropy skvoz’ prizmu Datskogo predsedatel’stva. Iantarnyi most, 31.12.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Change of Priorities? European Union Policy in the East of Europe through the prism of the Danish Presidency. Amber Bridge, International Newsmagazine, 31.12.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Kriittisyys Putinia kohtaan kasvaa kaikkialla. Helsingin Sanomat, 3.12.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Ukraine; Game not over. Chatham House Expert Comment, 30.10.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Status quo elections., 30.10.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Price of the Question, Ukraine. Kommersant, 22.10.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Fencing itself from Europe., 2.10.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Putinin tilanne alkaa käydä tukalaksi. Helsingin Sanomat, 24.9.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Happy together., 22.8.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). In the circle of “friends”. Ezhednevnyi Zhurnal, 15.6.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Za retseptom dolgoletiia. Ezhednevnyi zhurnal, 30.5.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Lukashenko – glavnyi soiuznik Kremllia. BDG delovaia gazeta, 14.5.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Lännen on oltava suora Venäjää kohtaan: Venäjän sisäpoliittisesti epävakaa tilanne vaikuttaa myös maan ulkopolitiikkaan. Helsingin Sanomat, 30.4.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Belorussiia: novyi raund staroi igry. Ezhednevnyi zhurnal, 20.4.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Tsena voprosa. Kommersant, 28.3.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Ezh: Druzhba i maiatnik., 13.2.

Moshes, Arkady (2012). Druzhba i maiatnik. Ezhednevnyi zhurnal, 13.2.

Moshes, Arkady (2011). Russia and the New ”Transitional” Europe. In Lipman, Maria; Petrov, Nikolay ed(s): Russia 2020: Scenarios for the Future. Washington DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 89-108.

Moshes, Arkady (2009). Russia 2004-09: a Regional Power Challenged. In Haukkala, Hiski; Saari, Sinikukka ed(s): Russia Lost or Found? Helsinki: Edita Publishing. 86-111.

Moshes, Arkady (2009). Dismantling the paper curtain: is the visa-free regime between Russia and EU realistic? Russia in Global Affairs, 7 (2).

Moshes, Arkady (2007). In search of priorities: the EU, Russia and Their Neighbours. In Huterer, Andrea; Sapper, Manfred; Weichsel, Volker ed(s): The Europe Beyond Europe: Outer Borders, Inner Limits. Berlin: Osteuropa, Berliner Wissenscaft Verlag. 131-153.

Moshes, Arkady (2007). Priorität gesucht. Die EU, Russland unde ihre Nachbarn.. Osteuropa, 57 (2-3).

Moshes, Arkady (2007). Beyond the fork in the road: has Ukraine made its political choice? Otechestvennye zapiski, 1 (34):59-68.

Без оранжевого настроения.

Managing the Retreat. Can Russia Adapt to the Emergence of Intermediate Europe?

Russian-Belarusian Relations.

Comment on “Frozen Conflicts, Frozen Solutions”.

Российский прессинг и притяжение Европы.

Rusko a Ukrajina: smerom ku kolizii alebo navrat k pragmatizmu.

Epäonnistuneen Moldovan vaihtoehdot.

Moshes, Arkady (2005). Russian Pressing and Europe’s Appeal. In Mikhail Pogrebinsky ed(s): The Orange Revolution. Versions, Chronics, Documents.. Kiev: Optima.

Is Russia’s New Belarus Policy Emerging?

Ukrainan uudistusprosessi on haaste myös Euroopalle.

Еще раз о пользе европейского выбора. - Россия в глобальной политике.

Ainoastaan Venäjä voi yhä sotilaalisesti tuhota USA:n.

Революция без послесловия.

Камо грядеши, Украина.

Европа в поисках России. Прагматичный минимализм или системная трансформация?

Компромисс и его пределы. – Нацiональна безпека i оборона.

Itä on arviotava uudelleen.

С новым сроком?

Россию все равно ограничат.

The Baltic States in the EU: Implications for Russia and Russian-Baltic Relations.

Ukraine and Belarus. In: Old and New Drivers in Russian Foreign Policy.

Неощутимая и виртуальная.

Россия: конец европеизации?

Сейчас Европа берет некую тактическую паузу для выработки нового взгляда на Россию.

Взаимная неудовлетворенность.

Парадоксы украинских президентских выборов.

Moshes, Arkady (2004). Compromise and Its Limits. National Security and Defense (9):37-39.

Moshes, Arkady (2004). Littoral States and Region-Building. In Klympush-Tsintsadze, Ivanna; Povliuk, Oleksandr ed(s): The Black Sea Region: Cooperation and Security-Building. New York: ME Sharp.

Moshes, Arkady (2004). Europe in Search of Russia: Pragmatic Minimalism or Systemic Transformation? . Evropa, 4 (4).

И хочется, и НАТО. Внутренние и внешние вызовы Ющенко.

Пат с перспективой.

Полная викторiя.

Головой на запад.

Наварили – распилили.

Europas nya östområde: En politisk chans för Norden.

Do akej miery bilateralne? Rusko-ukrainske vztahy po rozsireni EU.

EU:n ja Venäjän suhteet ovat menossa väärään suuntaan.

EU:n on ohjattava Venäjää. (EU has to shape Russia).

Двойное расширение и российско-украинские отношения.

Russia and Europe. Looking for a Formula of Relations.

Comment, session on Transatlantic Relations, the New EU and New NATO.

Russia and NATO: Analysis of Russian Perceptions.

Moshes, Arkady & Nygren, Bertil ed(s) (2002). A Slavic Triangle? Present and Future Relations Between Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Stockholm: Swedish National Defence College.

Moshes, Arkady (2002). Russia, EU Enlargement, and the Baltic States. In Hubel, Helmut ed(s): EU Enlargement and Beyond: the Baltic States and Russia. Berlin: Berlin Verlag.

Moshes, Arkady (2002). Russian-Ukrainian Rapprochement of 2001: How Viable? Security Dialogue, 33 (2).

Contribution to the discussion on the ”Knowledge-Based Society. Challenges and Opportunities Around the Baltic Rim".

Lukashenka’s Role in Russian Politics.

The Current Agenda of Russian-Ukrainian Relations: Challenges and Prospects.

Moshes, Arkady (2001). Russia-Ukraine: Entering a New Phase. In Hoffman, Lutz; Möllers, Felicitas ed(s): Ukraine on the Road to Europe. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.

Moshes, Arkady (2001). Russisch-ukrainische Beziehungen: Eine Spirale nach Unten? Bemerkungen aus russischer Sicht. In Reiter, Erich ed(s): Krisengebiete in Europa. Hamburg: Mittler.

Moshes, Arkady & Danilov, D. ed(s) (2000). Structuring Security Space in the West and East of Europe. Exlibris-press.

Moshes, Arkady (1999). Overcoming Unfriendly Stability: Russian-Latvian Relations at the End of 1990s. Bonn: Finnish Institute of International Affairs and Institut für Europäische Politik.

Moshes, Arkady (1999). Russian Policy in the Baltic Region. In Knudsen, Olav ed(s): Stability and Security in the Baltic Sea Region. London: Frank Cass.

Moshes, Arkady (1999). Ukraine and Russia: A Chronic Crisis. In Muller, Derek; Spillmann, Kurt; Wenger, Andreas ed(s): Between Russia and the West: Foreign and Security Policy of Independent Ukraine. Bern: Peter Lang. 257-278.

Moshes, Arkady (1998). Conflict and Cooperation in the Russo-Ukrainian Relations. In Coppieters, Bruno; Trenin, Dmitrii; Zverev, Aleksei ed(s): Commonwealth and Independence in Post-Soviet Eurasia. London: Frank Cass. 125-140.