The Finnish Institute of International Affairs is a research institute whose mission is to produce high quality, topical information on international relations and the EU. The Institute realizes its aims by conducting research as well as by organizing domestic and international seminars and publishing reports on its research and current international issues. The Institute also publishes a journal, Ulkopolitiikka (Finnish Journal of Foreign Affairs), and maintains a specialized library.

The purpose of the research carried out by the Institute is to produce focused information of a high standard for use by the academic community and decision-makers, and in public debate. The Institute maintains active international contacts in its activities and its researchers participate in public debate by writing articles for newspapers, periodicals and specialist journals. They also take part in seminars, conferences and similar events both at home and abroad. Furthermore, the researchers lend their expertise to various media. FIIA researchers comment and offer analysis on current issues based on their own research and expertise. FIIA experts, like all individuals, have the right to freedom of opinion and expression. The opinions and possible policy recommendations expressed by FIIA experts are their own and do not represent the common or official line of the institute. FIIA as an institute does not does not take a stance on issues related to international politics.

The Institute was established by the Parliament of Finland in its centennial plenum in June 2006 and the Parliament also provides the Institute’s basic funding. The Institute is autonomous in its research activities and is governed by a nine-member board, assisted by an advisory council and a scientific advisory council.


FIIA welcomes fact-based, critical discussion on its social media channels. FIIA does not tolerate unlawful, derogatory or insulting content and comments. Accounts repeatedly posting this sort of content may be blocked and inappropriate comments may be deleted. We will attempt to answer topical questions within office hours.