Toby Archer is a researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. His expertise includes European internal security, migration, immigration and integration. His paper Immigration in Europe at a Time of Economic Hardship was widely noticed in the current Finnish debate, although it neither handles the current process of changing the Finnish immigration law nor takes a position to it. He argues that immigration can be seen primarily as an economic issue in Europe.

The links provided here lead to news items on the matter in Finnish and Swedish.

Xenofobiska åsikter ökar under lågkonjunkturen (Hufvudstadsbladet, 16.2.2009)

Tutkimus: Taantuma kuumentaa maahanmuuttokeskustelua myös Suomessa (, 16.2.2009)

Taantuma nostaa pinnalle maahanmuuton ongelmat (Finnish News agency story published at least in Lapin Kansa and Kaleva, 16.2.2009)

Taantuman kasvattama kansallismielisyys saattaa näkyä eurovaaleissa (, 13.2.2009)