The Century of the Americas: A Conjecture

Endast inbjudna · Webinar · 06.11.2020 14:00 - 15:15

Endast inbjudna

In the twentieth century, the United States solidified itself as a global power in both the Pacific and the Atlantic. In the past decades, it has expended energy in the Indian Ocean to shape the Greater Middle East. Recently, however, the US has turned increasingly inward. What does the future hold for the United States and, importantly, its neighbors? This presentation surmises that we may be entering a Century of the Americas, beginning with the emergence of Canada and Mexico as the leading U.S. trading partners. Whether the rest of the Western Hemisphere follows suit and how that might happen are among the topics for discussion.


Lauri Tähtinen

Non-Resident Fellow


Bart Gaens

Äldre forskare

Japan-forskning (regional forskning), Japan i Asiens regionala kontext, stormaktsrelationer i Östasien, relationerna mellan EU och Asien, ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting), förbindelserna mellan Asien och Europa.