
Dr. Emma Hakala is a Leading Researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. Her research focuses on environmental security and the geopolitics of climate change, such as the role of international actors in building climate security practices. She leads the project “Climate change and Finland’s security of supply” and a part on conflict analysis in the project “Water Cooperation and Peace – Finnish Water Way”, which FIIA implements as a partner of the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE).

Hakala gained her D.Soc.Sci degree in political history at the University of Helsinki in 2019. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the securitisation of the environment and the role of international organisations in post-conflict Western Balkans. Hakala has previously obtained a Master’s degree in political history at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki. Hakala is also currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in the project “Toxic Crimes: Legal Activism against Wartime Environmental Destruction” at the University of Helsinki and a member of the multidisciplinary BIOS Research Unit.


Klimatsäkerhet, miljösäkerhet, västra Balkan, samarbete efter konflikter


Politices doktor (Politisk historia), Helsingfors universitet, 2018
Politices magister, Agronomie- och forstkandidatexamen Bachelor of Science


Finska, engelska, svenska (arbetsspråk), franska, tyska, serbiska (passiva kunskaper)


Klimatförändringens politik
Finland och klimatsäkerhet i en värld av ömsesidigt beroende
Nordic Security of Supply in the Age of Disruption
Samarbete kring vatten och fred – finskt vattenkunnande
Klimatförändring och Finlands försörjningsberedskap

Latest FIIA Publications


Klimatsäkerhet, miljösäkerhet, västra Balkan, samarbete efter konflikter


Politices doktor (Politisk historia), Helsingfors universitet, 2018
Politices magister, Agronomie- och forstkandidatexamen Bachelor of Science


Finska, engelska, svenska (arbetsspråk), franska, tyska, serbiska (passiva kunskaper)

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Hakala, Emma (2023). Venäjän hyökkäyssota ja ympäristö keskinäisriippuvuuksien maailmassa. Humanisti:18-20.

Hakala, Emma & Van der Vet, Freek (2022). Ukrainan sodan ympäristötuhot uhkaavat jättää pitkän jäljen. Kehityslehti, 23.5.

Hakala, Emma & Räisänen, Helmi (2022). Tarjoaako kokonaisturvallisuus keinot ympäristömuutokseen varautumiseen. Politiikasta, 29.3.

Hakala, Emma; Järvensivu, Paavo; Lummaa, Karoliina; Majava, Antti; Toivanen, Tero; Vadén, Tere & Eronen, Jussi T. (2019). Ilmastokriisiin sopeutuminen on kansanterveydellinen kysymys. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti, 56:341-345.

Vastapuu, Leena; Mattlin, Mikael; Hakala, Emma & Pellikka, Petri (2019). Afrikan megatrendit. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Vastapuu, Leena; Mattlin, Mikael; Hakala, Emma & Pellikka, Petri (2019). Megatrends in Africa. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Hakala, Emma; Hakola, Iina & Laakso, Jenni (2018). Kenen historia? Historians without Borders in Finland.

Hakala, Emma (2018). Demokratisoituminen ja ympäristöpolitiikka. I Miklossy, Katalin; Nikula, Jouko (red.): Demokratian karikot. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. 177-190.

Hakala, Emma & Suominen, Riikka (2018). Ilmastouhkat nousevat turvallisuuden ytimeen. Kanava, 46 (5):6-10.

Hakala, Emma & Järvinen, Jouni (2014). From the grassroots to the region: Civil society as an opportunity for regional cooperation on environment in the Western Balkans. Review of International Affairs, 65 (1155-1156).

Järvinen, Jouni & Hakala, Emma (red.) (2012). Energy security and environment in the Western Balkans. Helsinki: Aleksanteri Institute.

Järvinen, Jouni & Hakala, Emma (2012). Environmental security research. I Järvinen, Jouni; Hakala, Emma (red.): Energy security and environment in the Western Balkans. Helsinki: Aleksanteri Institute. 7-13.

(In)secure Environment in the Western Balkans.

Securitisation of Environment in the Western Balkans: The role of International Organisations in Regional Co-operation.

Hakala, Emma (2012). Workshop: Environmentální dějiny visegrádských zemí. Soudobé dějiny, XIX (1).