Economy and security: Bringing Europeans together?

kutsutilaisuus · Streaming · 07.10.2021 14:30 - 16:00


As the EU is progressively exiting the Covid crisis, it finds itself in an economic and strategic landscape that is very different from two years ago. EU economic and defence policies are two of the most important topics the Union will have to address in the coming months, especially under the French EU Presidency starting on 1st January 2022.  How can the 27 reconcile their different approaches and make the EU fit for challenges ahead? This Finnish-French event is a contribution to the upcoming debates.



Opening remarks

Mika Aaltola


Mika Aaltola is the Director of FIIA. Dr Aaltola is also a professor of International Relations at Tallinn University, Estonia, and holds the rank of docent at Tampere University. He has been a visiting fellow at Cambridge University, Sciences Po (CERI), and Johns Hopkins as well as a visiting professor at the University of Minnesota. His areas of expertise include the US global role, dynamics of power politics, and Finnish foreign policy. His latest published monograph is "Democratic Vulnerability and Autocratic Meddling – The 'Thucydidean Brink' in Regressive Geopolitical Competition" (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2021).


Jean-Dominique Giuliani

Chairman, the Robert Schuman Foundation

Jean-Dominique Giuliani is the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation. He was Director of the Cabinet of the President of the Senate, René Monory, and Director at SOFRES. A former Special Advisor to the European Commission, he is member of the Supervisory Board of Arte and co-editor of the Permanent Atlas of the European Union, Editions Marie B (5th edition, 2021). He is the author of The Big Shift éditions de l'école de Guerre, 2019.

Pascale Joannin

Managing Director, the Robert Schuman Foundation

Pascale Joannin is Managing Director of the Robert Schuman Foundation. A former auditor at the 56th national session of the Institute of Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN), she is co-editor of the Permanent Atlas of the European Union (Marie B Editions, 5th edition, 2021). She is the author of L'Europe, une chance pour la femme, Note de la Fondation Robert Schuman, n° 22, 2004. She has published numerous studies on European issues.

Päivi Puonti

Researcher, Etla Economic Research

Päivi Puonti works at Etla Economic Research as a researcher in the macroeconomics and public finance research program. She specializes in the use of time series econometric methods in economic policy impact assessment, and has studied monetary and fiscal policy. In Etla's forecasting group her area of responsibility is among other things forecasting Finland's public finances and monitoring EU's economic policy. Previously Puonti has worked in the Ministry of Finance of Finland. She holds a Ph.D. in economics.

Niklas Helwig

Leading Researcher, FIIA

Niklas Helwig is a Leading Researcher at FIIA. His research focuses on EU foreign and security policy, German foreign and security policy, as well as the transatlantic security alliance. Before he returned to FIIA in 2019, he worked at the RAND Corporation, at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS, Washington), at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP, Berlin) and at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS, Brussels). He holds a PhD from the University of Cologne and the University of Edinburgh (‘co-tutelle’).


Juha Jokela


EU:n ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka, Ison-Britannian EU-ero (Brexit), EU:n rooli globaalissa ja alueellisessa hallinnassa, Suomen EU-politiikka