Security of supply, a central concept in Finnish national security thinking, has not yet taken root at the EU level.

However, in recent years, the EU has started to attach increasing weight to many security of supply issues. Furthermore, many of them are now firmly embedded in two concepts that have become ubiquitous in EU policymaking: resilience and strategic autonomy.

The ‘turn’ in EU thinking is exemplified by the European Commission’s recent work on the European Health Union, on critical raw materials, as well as on the resilience of critical entities (CER Directive) and on cybersecurity (NIS2 Directive).

Finland should embrace the emerging opportunities to advance security of supply thinking in the EU, as this enhances Finland’s national preparedness, although the scope, focus and nature of the EU’s efforts will differ from Finnish security of supply traditions.

Overall, the EU’s approach to security of supply is likely to remain fragmented, reflecting the Union’s varying competences as well as the member states’ divergent perceptions and omnipresent sovereignty concerns.

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