
Katja Creutz is Acting Deputy Director of FIIA and Programme Director of the Global Security and Governance research programme. She is also an Affiliated Research Fellow with the Erik Castrén Institute at the University of Helsinki. Her main field of expertise is international law and especially issues of responsibility, human rights and global governance. Dr Creutz holds a Doctor of Laws degree (2015) and a Master of Laws programme degree from the University of Helsinki (2004) and a Master of Political Science from Åbo Akademi University (2000).

Creutz has previously worked as Research Fellow at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights of the University of Helsinki. She is the former Executive Editor of the Finnish Yearbook of International Law. She has published extensively on responsibility in international law, non-state actors, human rights and Nordic issues. Her latest academic publications include: “The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Rights Protection: Revisionist or Just Another Kid on the Block?” and “Nordic Experiences in the UN Human Rights Council: A Tour d’Horizon of 2019 with Iceland and Denmark”. She is also the author of the monograph “State Responsibility in the International Legal Order: A Critical Appraisal” (CUP, 2020).


International law, especially responsibility issues; human rights; global governance


Doctor of Laws (LL.D.), University of Helsinki, 2015

Master of Laws (LL.M.)-Programme (International Law), University of Helsinki, 2004

Master of Political Science (International Law), Åbo Akademi University, 2000

Language skills

Swedish, Finnish, English (working languages), French (satisfactory)


Finland and the Tightening Competition in Global Politics
New Challenges for Strategic Deterrence in the 21st Century
Development of EU’s Sanctions Policy: Political and economic implications for Finland
Superregionalism and Contentious Connectivity in Asia
Multilateral cooperation in an era of strategic competition: Options for influence for Finland and the European Union
Reignite Multilateralism via Technology

Latest FIIA Publications


International law, especially responsibility issues; human rights; global governance

Positions of responsibility

Member of the Executive Board for the Aleksanteri-institute’s Programme on East Central European, Balkan and Baltic Studies, 2010-2012

Member/Deputy Member of the Steering Committee of the Erik Castrén-institute, 2007-2010

Deputy Member of the Postgraduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Law/University of Helsinki, 2007-2009

Executive Editor of the Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 2005-2009

Member of the Board of Ius Gentium, 2005-2011

Work experience

Doctoral Candidate in International Law at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, the Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research and the Faculty of Law/ University of Helsinki, 2006-2013

Research Fellow, the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki, 2005-2006

Part-time Research Assistant, Institute of Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University, 2000

Intern, UN Headquarters, New York, 1998

Trainee, Finnish Embassy in The Hague, 1998


Doctor of Laws (LL.D.), University of Helsinki, 2015

Master of Laws (LL.M.)-Programme (International Law), University of Helsinki, 2004

Master of Political Science (International Law), Åbo Akademi University, 2000


Doctor of Laws (LL.D.), 2015
Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki

Member of the Graduate School in Human Rights Research, 2006-2013
Administrated by Åbo Akademi

Member of the Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research, 2006-2011
University of Helsinki

LLM-Progamme, 2004
International Law
Faculty of Law/ University of Helsinki

MPolSc, 2000
International Law
Department of Law, Faculty of Economics & Social Sciences/ Åbo Akademi University

Language skills

Swedish, Finnish, English (working languages), French (satisfactory)

Select category

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Haugevik, Kristin; Creutz, Katja; Pesu, Matti & Svendsen, Øyvind (2023). From partners to allies: Finland and Norway in a new era. NUPI Policy Brief. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.

Creutz, Katja (2023). Det nordiska samarbetets roll för Ålands särställning. Tidskrift utgiven av juridiska föreningen Finland, 158 (5-6):462-476.

Creutz, Katja (2023). Multilateral Development Banks as Agents of Connectivity: the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). East Asia.

Creutz, Katja (2022). Från lycklighet till försvar - och tillbaka: Den nordiska värdegrunden bör synas internationellt. Nordiska unga i kris, 7.11.

Creutz, Katja (2021). Responsibility. In Aust, Helmut Philipp & Janne E. Nijman ed(s): Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 135-146.

Creutz, Katja (2020). Ydinasesopimukset ja niiden tila. Humanisti, 30.12.

Creutz, Katja (2018). Ihmisoikeudet nostettava talousasioiden rinnalle Suomen puheenjohtajakaudella. In Ylinen, Katri ed(s): Taitekohdassa. Odotuksia ja ohjeita Suomen kolmannelle puheenjohtajakaudelle. Eurooppanuoret. 14-15.

Creutz, Katja (2018). State responsibility in international law: From paradigm to periphery. In Tiittala, Tuomas ed(s): Finnish yearbook of international law. England: Hart Publishing. 351-355.

Creutz, Katja (2016). Valtiosopimuksia voi muuttaa. Ulkopolitiikka, 53 (2):74-75.

Creutz, Katja (2015). The Dayton peace agreement – 20 years old and still challenged. FIIA Column, 16.12.

Creutz, Katja (2015). Book review: State responsibility. The general part by James Crawford. Nordic Journal of International Law, 84 (4):605-612.

Creutz, Katja (2015). Will Obama keep his promise and close Guantánamo? FIIA Column, 26.11.

Creutz, Katja (2015). Pohdintaa kansanmurhapäätöksestä. FIIA Column, 10.2.

Creutz, Katja (2015). The ICC offers no quick fix to Palestine. FIIA Column, 9.1.

Creutz, Katja (2014). Sotarikokset myös 2000-luvun vitsaus. Kleio (4):28-29.

Creutz, Katja (2014). Militär intervention i minoritetens namn. Hufvudstadsbladet, 5.3.

Creutz, Katja (2014). International responsibility and problematic law-making. In Rain Liivoja; Jarna Petman ed(s): International Law-Making: Essays in Honour of Jan Klabbers. Milton Park, Abigdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge. 171-189.

Creutz, Katja (2013). Law versus codes of conduct: Between convergence and conflict. In Jan Klabbers; Touko Piiparinen ed(s): Normative Pluralism and International Law: Exploring Global Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 166-200.

Creutz, Katja (2011). The international intervention in Libya: Another round between sovereignty and human. Helsinki Review of Global Governance, 31.12.

Creutz, Katja (2009). Finland: Private military and security services in the regulatory context of Finland. National Report, Regulating privatisation of war. European University Institute.

Creutz, Katja (2009). Book reviews & review articles. In Klabbers, Jan; Creutz, Katja; Wallendahl Åsa ed(s): Finnish yearbook of international law XVIII. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. 369-374.

Creutz, Katja (2008). EU bör visa sin grannskapspolitik. Hufvudstadsbladet, 14.8.

Creutz, Katja (2007). Privata säkerhetsföretag: vilda västern-mentalitet gynnar ingen. Hufvudstadsbladet, 29.10.

Creutz, Katja (2007). Säkerhetsföretag: Hur lägga band på legosoldater? Hufvudstadsbladet, 17.10.

Creutz, Katja (2006). The rules of attribution and the private military contractors at Abu Ghraib: Private acts or public wrongs? Finnish yearbook of international law, XV:289-331.

Creutz, Katja (2006). International crisis administrations and Finland. In Outi Korhonen ed(s): International administration of crisis areas. Helsinki: KDG Research & Publications. 241-250.

Creutz, Katja (2006). Transnational privatised security and the international protection of human rights. Helsinki: Erik Castren Institute.

Creutz, Katja; Korhonen, Outi & Gras, Jutta (2006). International post-conflict situations: New challenges for co-operative governance. Helsinki: Erik Castren Institute.