
Jyrki Kallio is Senior Research Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs and holds the Title of Docent in International Relations and Chinese Studies at the University of Lapland. His research foci include Chinese political culture and foreign policy, and regional issues in East Asia. He has a special interest in the instrumentalisation of traditional schools of thought in East Asian politics, and in addition to his research, has translated classical Chinese philosophy and prose.

He received the J.A. Hollo Prize for his work in 2015, and his latest monograph, “A critical reader on Confucianism”, was published by Gaudeamus in 2022. Previously, he served the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland as a diplomat. He holds degrees of MSocSc (International Relations) and PhD (Chinese Society Studies).

Honorary title

Docent (University of Lapland)


Chinese political culture, Chinese foreign policy, regional issues in East Asia, China's society, traditional Chinese thought


PhD, University of Lapland
MSocSc, University of Helsinki

Language skills

Finnish, English, Chinese, Swedish (working languages), German, Wenyanwen (receptive skills)


Changing Great Power Politics and Its Implications to Finland
Superregionalism and Contentious Connectivity in Asia
Multilateral cooperation in an era of strategic competition: Options for influence for Finland and the European Union

Latest FIIA Publications


Chinese political culture, Chinese foreign policy, regional issues in East Asia, China's society, traditional Chinese thought

Honorary title

Docent (University of Lapland)

Work experience

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (Jan 1995–Dec 2013)
• Unit for Asia and Oceania (Sep 2010–Sep 2011)
• Unit for Policy Planning and Research, seconded to the Finnish Institute of International Affairs as Special Advisor (Sep 2009–Aug 2010)
• Unit for Regional Cooperation in Northern Europe, Senior Official in the Arctic Council (Jan 2008–Sep 2009)
• ASEM 6 Secretariat (Aug 2006–Sep 2006, Nov 2005–Mar 2006)
• Unit for Asia and Oceania (Sep 2001–Jun 2004)
• Embassy of Finland in Beijing (Aug 1996–Dec 1999)


PhD, University of Lapland
MSocSc, University of Helsinki


Doctor of Philosophy (2016)
University of Lapland, Faculty of Law

Licentiate of Philosophy (East Asian Studies; 2009)
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Humanities

Master of Social Sciences (International Politics, Political History and East Asian Studies; 1992)
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences

Language skills

Finnish, English, Chinese, Swedish (working languages), German, Wenyanwen (receptive skills)

Select category

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Kallio, Jyrki (2023). Finland: The new normal in relations with China. In Bartsch, Bernard; Wessling, Claudia ed(s): From a China strategy to no strategy at all. Exploring the diversity of European approaches. A Report by the Think-tank Network on China (ETNC). Mercator Institute of China Studies. 54-59.

Kallio, Jyrki (2023). Multilateralism with Chinese characteristics. In Jokela, Juha; Creutz, Katja; Saul, Alana ed(s): Multilateral cooperation in an era of strategic competition : Options for influence for Finland and the European Union. Helsinki: Prime Minister's Office. 64-74.

Kallio, Jyrki; Koivu, Tuuli & Ruokamo, Anu (2022). Finland: Fears of dependence on China burden good relations with the US. In Seaman, John; Ghiretti, Francesca; Erlbacher, Lucas; Martin, Xiaoxue; Otero-Iglesias, Miguel ed(s): Dependence in Europe's Relations with China: Weighing Perceptions and Reality. French Institute of International Relations (Ifri).

Kallio, Jyrki; Koivu, Tuuli & Ruokamo, Anu (2022). Finland: Fears of dependence on China burden good relations with the US. In Seaman, John; Ghiretti, Francesca; Erlbacher,Lucas; Martin, Xiaoxue; Otero-Iglesias, Miguel ed(s): Dependence in Europe's Relations with China: Weighing Perceptions and Reality. French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) . 76-83.

Kallio, Jyrki (2022). Avain kungfutselaisuuteen: Valittuja kirjoituksia kolmelta vuosituhannelta. Gaudeamus.

Kallio, Jyrki & Gaens, Bart (2020). Finland's relations with China and the US. In Esteban, Mario and Miguel Otero-Iglesias ed(s): Europe in the Face of US-China Rivalry. A Report by the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC). Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano. 57-63.

12 / 2018

Fenlan yu Zhongguo

Kallio, Jyrki (2018). "Kiinalainen kansakunta". Kiina sanoin ja kuvin, 17.12.

Kallio, Jyrki (2018). Finland and China: Pragmatism prevails. In Sverdrup-Thygeson, Bjørnar; Yennie Lindgren, Wrenn; Lanteigne, Marc ed(s): China and Nordic diplomacy. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 45-59.

Kallio, Jyrki (2017). Kiinalaiset nimet. In Mikkonen, Pirjo ed(s): Sukunimi? Etunimi? Maahanmuuttajien nimijärjestelmistä. Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus. 67-77.

Kallio, Jyrki (2017). The Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics in the Light of Chinese tradition. In Hallberg Pekka ed(s): Rule of Law and Sustainable Development. Rule of Law Finland. 63-69.

Kallio, Jyrki (2015). Finland-China relations: pragmatic cooperation since 1950. In Huotari, Mikko; Otero-Iglesias, Miguel; Seaman, John; Ekman, Alice ed(s): Mapping Europe-China relations: a bottom-up approach. Berlin: Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies. 20-24.

Kallio, Jyrki (2015). Omin eväin maailmanvallaksi. Ulkopolitiikka, 52 (3):52-57.

Kallio, Jyrki (2014). Kiinan saarikiistat. Kiina sanoin ja kuvin, 31.12.

Kallio, Jyrki (2005). Onko Kiinassa keskiluokkaa? In Asikainen, Raisa; Vuori, Juha ed(s): Kiinan yhteiskunta muutoksessa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. 73-88.

Kallio, Jyrki (1995). Murtuuko pato? Yliopisto, 31.12.

Kallio, Jyrki & Leitzinger, Antero (1994). Taiwan – Kiinan tasavalta. Helsinki: Kirja-Leitzinger.